Лагерь для протестующих, суды и 221 политзаключенный. Тихановская выступила в Королевском объединенном институте оборонных исследований 

Светлана Тихановская приняла участие в онлайн-мероприятии Королевского объединённого института оборонных исследований на тему будущего демократии в Беларуси. Среди спикеров – замглавы МИД Польши Марцин Пшидач, замглавы МИД Литвы Мантас Адоменас, ответственный в НАУ за многостороннюю дипломатию Владимир Астапенко, британский министр по вопросам Европейского соседства и Америки Венди Мортон.

В своем выступлении Светлана напомнила о Международном дне памяти жертв Холокоста и рассказала о построенном (но уже разобранном) в Минской области лагере для протестующих как сигнале, что не все в Беларуси извлекли важный исторический урок.

«Никогда больше 18-летний подросток не должен приговариваться к двум годам лишения свободы за рисунки на спецтехнике – как София Малашевич. Никогда больше не должны судить журналиста за правду об убийстве, совершенном приспешниками режима – как Екатерину Борисевич. Никогда больше не должны безжалостно убивать благонамеренного гражданина, защищающего национальные символы – как Романа Бондаренко. Никогда больше в Беларуси не должно быть 221 политзаключенных. Никогда больше никто не должен бояться высказывать свое мнение и отстаивать свои права. Больше никогда».

Также Тихановская призвала ЕС, Великобританию, США и Канаду расширить санкции, расследовать преступления режима, признать ОМОН и ГУБОПиК террористическими организациями, помочь беларусам в получении европейских вакцин и способствовать диалогу о новых свободных и справедливых выборах.

После Светланы Тихановской выступал Владимир Астапенко – ответственный в НАУ за многостороннюю дипломатию. В своем обращении он отметил, что террор нелегитимной власти Беларуси против собственного народа должен быть остановлен. Представитель НАУ подчеркнул опасность так называемого Всебелорусского народного собрания, которое может быть использовано в качестве ширмы для подмены настоящего голоса беларусов. 

Также Астапенко рассказал об общем плане демократических сил, который нацелен на поддержку протестного движения и жертв массовых репрессий, усиление политического и экономического давления на режим, дальнейшую мобилизацию международного сообщества по защите фундаментальных прав и свобод человека в Беларуси и созданию условий для организации инклюзивного диалога с целью выхода из политического кризиса через проведение новых президентских выборов.

Речь Светланы Тихановской на выступлении:

«Dear Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for the important opportunity to speak at this event.

The people of Belarus have been protesting for almost 6 months. They are peaceful and determined. Belarusians are persistently going towards their common goal – living in a free country where they can choose their leader, where the state violence is unacceptable and those disrespecting human rights are brought to justice.

In summer, the whole world watched with admiration as our nation was reborn and our national flags flooded the streets. The creative slogans, the beautiful people with flowers and smiles on their faces – those images are impossible to erase from one’s memory.

In autumn and winter, the protest has matured despite the unspeakable repression. Despite the fact that every demonstrator could end up in a prison cell. The protesters have self-organized communities of seniors, students, doctors, teachers… They have teamed up with neighbors and showed how autonomous they are. Neighborhood communities have become the place for a grassroots movement to grow and strengthen. I speak to them virtually almost every week and the energy and stamina of these people give me so much hope.

Hope that there is no turning back. Hope that these people are unstoppable. Hope that after Belarusian summer, autumn, and now winter, there will come Belarusian spring when we will once again show the world that if you persevere, you can change the whole country.

And the time is ripe for a change. While yesterday was the International Holocaust Remembrance Day marking the anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp liberation, it became known that the authorities in Belarus were building their own camp – a camp for dissidents in the Minsk region. It seems like the traumatic history lesson has not been learned. We can not allow history to repeat itself. We have sacrificed so much to make sure that the violence of these months will never happen again.

Never again should an 18-year-old be sentenced to two years in prison for spray-painting a police shield, like Safiya Malashevich. Never again should a journalist be on trial for publishing the truth about the murder committed by the regime’s cronies, like Katsiaryna Barysevich. Never again should a well-meaning  citizen who was protecting national symbols be ruthlessly murdered, like Raman Bandarenka.

Never again should there be 221 political prisoners in Belarus. Never again should anyone be afraid to speak their mind and stand up for their rights. Never again.

That is why our fight continues and on our path international solidarity has been a major support.

The UK became one of the first countries to introduce sanctions against those responsible for grave human rights violations. Now that both the UK and the EU have at their disposal Magnitsky-style legislative tools, I call on our partners from both sides of the Channel to use them and expand the list. I truly hope that the EU fourth package of sanctions will be adopted as soon as possible

I call on the UK, EU, USA, and Canada to consider creating an international body that will start investigations of the crimes committed by Lukashenka’s regime. The OSCE and its Moscow Mechanism are crucial in this respect.

The crimes against humanity perpetrated by the regime should be brought to court under universal jurisdiction. We have started this process in several countries already. I call on our partners to support our efforts in advocating for OMON and GUBOPiK to be recognized as terrorist organizations.

Belarusians demand a change and want to achieve it peacefully. I call on you to mediate an inclusive dialogue so that Belarus can finally see a peaceful transition of power.

Civil society and independent media are the backbone of a functioning society. They are fearlessly remaining on the frontline of the demonstrations. I call on you to support them by all possible means.

The repression in Belarus has led to many fleeing the country due to the threat to their safety. I call on you to provide visa support and create opportunities for Belarusian students and academics, doctors, and other specialists.

We shouldn’t also forget the pandemic is raging, and Belarusians are affected in numbers that are much higher than those the government declares. I call on you to support Belarusians in receiving the European vaccines.

We should not forget that right now political prisoners are behind bars risking being infected with COVID-19, without any help from their captors. You can write to them, raise their cases in your meetings, support their families. It matters a lot to know that you are not forgotten, that there are so many people who are working towards your freedom every day.

It matters a lot for Belarusians to know that they are remembered, that their struggle is supported, that democratic countries are on their side. The fight for democracy is our challenge. But the freedom we are fighting for will mean a lot to the whole continent.

On 7 February, we are gathering together with our friends all over the world for the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus. Stand with us in our quest for freedom and justice. Stand with Belarus!

Жыве Беларусь! Thank you».

Источник: Светлана Тихановская

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